Monday, November 26, 2012


So I'm reading a novel about zombies that is written in first person like a blog. so perhaps I can do the same here. about my camera murder story.

a going concern

well my zazzle store is making money. have sold 5 mugs. one Jay Lenin and 4 Clinton Eastwood.

new stuff

test of a new blog

Monday, June 28, 2010

A New Direction

We at VictorGolfing are going in a new direction.
As you can see from previous posts, this blog has been going in different directions all of the time.
But as you will find out by following my blog, golf is a big part of my life. So with this blog I will share my knowledge and opinion of golf.
That is the direction this blog will go...for now.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finally a new post!!!!

Haven’t written in a while, so here is some updates:

Still haven’t heard about the BIG change….maybe soon?

The keys to life and golf explained.

Core exercise is primary. A strong and flexible midsection keeps everything about your daily existence in perfect order. You stand straighter. You have more bounce in your step. You can hit the ball straighter, with more distance and consistency.

Balance goes hand in hand with core. With daily balance exercises you will have less miss-hits as well as a stronger back for your life.

Bowel order. What? Yes bowel order. Regularity. Eat enough fiber to keep your bowels clear. And since no one can do it consistently via food intake, then I recommend two teaspoons of phylum husks mixed with 6 ounces of water and fruit juice before bed. This will keep this section of your body clear and clean and healthy.

Notice everything about a good life is in you midsection. Your first, second and third Chakras.

And speaking in esoteric phrases…synchronicity. Find it where you can. Part of my BIGGER change picture was some extra language in any contracts that are written. The one person that I could ask about this “language” just happen to show up today. A great guy who has years of experience in this “language.” I shot him off an email regarding this needed information. Synchronicity.

More soon, I hope.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What's going on?

What has been going on?

Haven’t posted any new ramblings for a while.

So here is some new information….
Oh sorry there is no new information. Because of my quest for a possible change, those around me who also would love to ride into changeville have cast a line on my rickety ship. No problem. Whatever I can do to assist others, I will do.
Although I’m don’t have any power as of yet, nor do I have any inclining on what direction the proprietors of change are going. We just have to wait and see.

In the world of body changes…BAM. My workouts have escalated and I feel I’m dropping weight and body fat by more than the scheduled one pound a week. My balance is getting better which will help my golf game. Keeping track of your daily food intake makes you eat below your limit. Which makes you lose weight. Plus looking at what you eat (if you are honest) makes you start to eat better. More balanced. So as long as you don’t OD on “Hot Tamales” candy you will feel better and lose weight and get pretty buff.
Yeah Hot Tamales can cause some real painful sores on your tongue. Ouch.

Lots of changes are a happening. We will try to post on a more timely manner.

Monday, February 2, 2009


So here I am working for a company that makes sprockets. There are a couple of other companies that also make sprockets. But we’ve been making pretty good sprockets for a dozen years or so. And it’s a friendly company. But when you make sprockets for as many years as I’ve made sprockets, you get tired of making them. Sprockets aren’t something that I would really consider purchasing if I were to purchase something like a sprocket. But that is no problem for the company that I work for…because we are making sprockets for a client that I am not. Women ages 18 to 35. So I really have nothing against these sprockets. And if I wanted to I could stay here making sprockets until I get that job as a course marshal at my local muni.

Now what happens but another division of the company I work for says they are building a new company that will be making gears and couplings. True there are other companies that make gears and couplings, but this will be a new fun company. And gears and couplings are geared (pardon the pun) for people more my demographic. I rather enjoy gears and couplings.

And this new company, that makes gears and couplings is considering me as one of the lead tool and die men that make the gears and couplings. But I will know no one at this new company except the top dog in the food chain...the foreman. And as we all know, for those who have known me I am not someone who cha-cha-cha-changes with ease. But the challenge would be fun.
We will see if the cha – cha – cha – changes are a happening. The nice thing is that either way I will be happy. Because the other cha – cha – cha – changes…ie. My physical well being are really on track.